Saturday, October 31, 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015

It’s that time of year again, ladies and gentlemen: National Novel Writing Month, the best part about the month of November, at least from this retail worker’s point of view. This will be my second year doing the race of words against time and I don’t really know if I’m as excited about it this year. Last year, I was prepared, outline in hand, ready and raring to go. The outline was unusual; I never outline, but since it was my first year doing this, I wanted to be as ready as possible. The outline helped, I guess. While I followed it, I also ran out of story before I hit 50k and had to add a buttload of filler. It got me to the end but it also prompted an equally large buttload of editing, which I’m still going though.

So this year, as a way to prevent restriction, I’m rolling the way I normally do: seat of the pants, baby. I have three or four ideas, sequels to last year’s book, and I know which one I’m going with, but I don’t know. Maybe it’s just nerves because my girlfriend is also participating this year and I don’t want to completely suck up a storm. I don’t know what it is; I just haven’t been feeling the NaNoWriMo spirit this year. And yet, even as I finish up whatever the hell this is, I just updated my word count for the first time and I’ve written over 1700 words in a little over an hour and a half, so maybe pantsing is the way to go here.